Monday, July 25, 2011

You might not know this about me, but...

Things you might not know about me (or care to, but hey if you're reading this blog you have at least some interest)...

  1. I've always wanted to go fishing. I never really had a "dad" when I was a young child.  The man who I consider my father, BC, didn't come into my life until I was about 12.  And, by the time he got used to having a stepdaughter, I was a teenager and I don't think he was too concerned with engaging in bonding experiences.  I think his primary goal was to set a good example and get along with my bratty teenage ass at the time.  I know most of us don't have the ideal father figure but I guess I have this idea of what a "good" dad would have done with me as a child.  Fishing definitely ranks high on that list.  As an adult, I feel like I missed out on one of the best past-times ever.  I'd be in total bliss by going to the lake for a day, renting a boat, sunning myself while I cast a long line.  I could use a lesson in patience. Also, I think that commercial, really got to me.
  2. I dearly miss playing the violin and secretly wish I was playing with a community orchestra right now.  I won't lie to you, I was good.  I was an exceptionally talented violinist.  I was the concertmistress (first chair) from 6th grade until my high school graduation.  I was in county honor orchestra's every year.  I made All-State competitions and was playing with the Georgia State University Symphony by the time I was 16.  Though I never loved it enough to have orchestra take over my life or make a career of it, there's nothing that compares to the feeling I get when playing a piece of music with passion and vigor. My soul just sings.  My friend SH recently bought a violin and I cannot wait to go over there and show him how it's done.  I still own my own violin.  It's beautiful and expensive and never gets played.  I want so badly to pick it back up.  Maybe he's all the motivation I needed?
  3. When I get pregnant, I am actually hoping for twins. Yep, you read that correctly.  It's hard for me to get pregnant see...and the idea of actually going through the entire emotional and physical ordeal of trying to get pregnant, conceiving, and birthing more than one child seems exhausting.  I like the idea of getting it all done at once :)  I know this probably sounds inconceivably selfish, but it's honestly the best thing that could happen to me.  I would like to have more than one child.  God willing, I will be physically able to get pregnant and have two children.  However, if God wants to help me knock it out in one fail-proof swoop, I'm all for it.
  4. I'm not so sure that Georgia is the place I want to raise a family in and live out my life. I'm kind of in love with the PNW (Pacific Northwest).  I'd be willing to relocate if my family would follow. I don't think I could live in a different time zone and thousands of miles away.
  5. I really wish life could have been better, easier for my mom. I won't get into this one because I respect my mother's privacy.  She's the hardest working woman I'll ever know and I respect her immensely for every single obstacle she has endured. She's not just my mom, but my best friend.
  6. I regret trusting my ex friend, M from college, whole-heartedly to the point where I never ever expected to be hurt in the way that she hurt me. I don't consider myself someone who is easily blindsided.  However, she certainly excelled in doing just that! Unfortunately, she taught me a lesson in trust and how you really can't trust anyone completely except for your real family. Blood is thicker than water and well, certainly thicker than whiskey or vodka.  That's all I'll say about that.
  7. I miss my textbook publishing days. I have these fond memories I reminisce about with coworkers and old friends.  I had the chance to travel and have so much fun on the company dime.  Unfortunately the industry has changed drastically and I was defeated by an evil and jealous woman.  Two things I'll never do again --- get involved with someone I work with and work for a woman.
  8. I really love to crochet and wish I could become a really great knitter like my friends MC and LC. There's no excuse for this really, except for maybe adult onset ADD and lack of patience.
  9. Right now at this point of my life, I want nothing more than to be a mom. It's very important for me to be a wife, but more importantly to be a mom.  I need this in a way I never imagined I would and I fear the longing and yearning for motherhood will never subside.
  10. I am terrified of becoming a diabetic.I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which affects the way my body resists insulin. I was recently put on 2000mg of Metformin a day.  My mother became a Type 2 diabetic a few years back and that is higher than her normal dosage.  It scares me so.
  11. I really want to run my first 5k this year, the AIDS walk/run in October.
  12. I live my life hoping for the best, but always expecting the worst. My glass is half full, meaning it's equally half empty.  I'm a cynical optimist. Deal with it. :)
  13. I try to live my life without regrets, but there are just a owning and loving that Limp Bizkit album in high school or having bangs, ever.
  14. Partying just isn't what it used to be anymore. Just the sight of the bonafied hipsters and pretentious tools I once worried about fitting in with and impressing simply evoke an overwhelming feeling of pity and complete apathy. My weekends no longer revolve around drinking and being around the right people at the right places.  I'm with the people I love and who love me.  That's all I'll never need from here on out.
  15. I'm inching closer to libertarianism the older I get and the more money I have in my pocket. Just don't tell my friends Rob and Stephen about this, they'll just say "I told you so."

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