Monday, July 11, 2011

Take me out...

Why is it that guys always think it takes a lot of money to show a girl a good time? Times are tough, the economy sucks, and it feels like there is always a bill due.  But, when the balance on the romance is running low, make a deposit.  It doesn't always take big bills to show a pretty lady a special time.

Ian forgets that sometimes I like to go out and do things that we don't experience on a routine basis.  I love you honey, but sometimes cooking me dinner at home while we watch tv isn't what I have in mind in the romance department.  Sure, it's awesome and sweet and adorable that you love to do this for me. (I appreciate this more than you realize, really!) But, the element of surprise is the best part of a romantic evening.  Well, at least for me it is. Don't get me wrong! I love you so much! You let me pick the restaurants, pump my gas, buy me spontaneous flowers, make up little songs about how much you love me, do chores around the house without evening having to ask you, and demonstrate general acts of romance and love.  But, I think you could use a little help in the idea department. I don't think that is so bad :) Think of this as your little arsenal of fun that you can pull ideas from when you want to surprise me or take me somewhere goes...

  1. Back in college, I took Astronomy to fulfill part of my science requirement.  Honestly, I had no idea there would so much math involved, or physics for that matter.  I just love stars. There's just something so romantic about sitting in an open field on a blanket somewhere and stargazing.  Georgia State has an observatory requirement to their Astronomy labs and one of the locations is Hard Labor Creek Observatory.  Hard Labor Creek Observatory is open to the public one Saturday per month from March until October. Ok, I realize this idea may be trite, but it's something we've never done as a couple.  So there! And, guess's FREE!  I can't think of a better way to spend an evening than with a picnic under the stars. 
  2. Sure, I realize your idea of the perfect night begins with Harry and ends with Potter and that the impending final installment is on the brain.  But guess what, going to the movies is always fun!  Especially the drive-in.  Starlight Drive-In is not only close by, but cheap and we can take our own food!  Next time we go...please remember to fill up the gas tank!
  3. What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding? I don't know, really...but at Dad's Garage, TheatreSports is always fun!  Granted, their prices have gone up.  Especially for the featured plays that run on prime time (weekends, etc).  But, if you plan a visit a little later in the evening and book's a sure fire win!
  4. Did I hear someone request Little Red Corvette? Ok, so you don't automatically think of karaoke when you think romantic evenings out, but have you ever wanted to double or triple date with a group of your friends and can't find something other than going out to dinner and drinking on a patio for the night? Save some money, pre-party at home, head to Buford Highway for some take-out you can't pronounce, and swing over to Karaoke Melody.  They do it the old-fashioned way.  In a private room, with your own door, and privacy to make a complete fool of yourself in front of 1-10 of your closest friends. Prices are reasonable and are billed hourly per person.  Drinks there are expensive, but I have a feeling you can order more than just a cocktail at their bar.  Bring a flask and a big purse!
  5. Chicks dig flowers.  Get it?  We like them, end of story.  You can never go wrong by taking a girl to Calloway Gardens or Atlanta Botanical Gardens.  
  6. Did you know that hiking is just a fancy word for walking?  Yep, it's true.  How can you beat a free walk through a wooded trail that leads to hidden waterfalls in the North Georgia Mountains?  Duke's Creek Falls are about an hour away from Atlanta and while you're there, you can go tubing in the Chattahoochee River for $5.  Best cheap date ever!
  7. If you haven't noticed lately, Atlanta is finally catching on to the street food craze.  With the King of Pop's lurking the corner of Buddy's on North Ave & N. Highland Ave, fast food never tasted so good! Guess what you get when you mix fast food with art?  A Date!   Castleberry Hill (yep, I'm pretty sure it's still the ghetto), sponsors FREE Art Strolls through the neighborhood.  Grab a taco, a popsicle, and head over to see the local art digs in a new up-and-coming neighborhood.
  8. Martinis & IMAX. There's no real way to tip toe around this one.  I mean granted...this is just a movie theater with a bar. But, it's cool! Plus, I'm a total dork and love watching documentary films on dinosaurs and natural disasters.  Think of it as the Discovery Channel on crack with booze.  An added bonus, seeing as that we don't have cable!
  9. K, I know we went to Wrestlemania and all and that it was your childhood dream...yada yada yada.  But here's a fantasy you can fulfill for moi!  I like to think I kick ass.  More specifically, I like to think I could kick anyone's ass.  Take me somewhere I can live vicariously through tuff girls who REALLY kick ass.  Atlanta Rollergirls have bouts less than 5 minutes from our house at the Yaarab Shriner's Temple on Ponce. Come on, live a little!
  10. Nothing says I love you like rented shoes, am I wrong? Well, there's no more PG fun than bowling! Be a sweetie and I'll help you pick out a nice set of balls for us. ;-) 

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