Sunday, July 24, 2011

Great weekend...

Our little trip to Helen was awesome. We managed to have the best time ever. It's amazing really. I've managed to find a man whose side I have not left in 10 months and can't seem to grow tired of him. He's my best friend and I'd consider him family even if wasn't already going to be my husband. I always knew I would find the right man, and probably later in life. God didn't disappoint. Ian was worth the wait. I love him and hope we continue to grow and build on what has been the hardest, but most wonderful past 10 months of my life.  I cannot wait until my commissions get back to where they once were and we can travel more. I want to see the world with him by my side, holding my hand every step of the way.

We went tubing and ate great food and did karaoke and had the best time. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I love this man.

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