Monday, July 11, 2011

Meet Blondie

So it looks like we're parents.  No, no! We're not pregnant again.  We are the proud new owners of a little rat terrier/chihuahua mix named Blondie.  Like most parents say to their kids, "You weren't an accident, but a good surprise!"  As we pulled into the Tara movie theater parking lot, the Pet Supplies "Plus" place was having an adoption drive.  Like always, we stopped in to look around and play with the pups.  Never thinking we'd find "the one."  This has become so common that I honestly didn't think we'd walk out of there with a dog.  Well, from the second we walked up, Ian fell in love with the little beige mess that is now called Blondie.  She stole my heart along with his, and well the rest is history!


She is by far the bestest pup ever!  She is a year old and is housebroken, polite, clean, well behaved and socialized!  She loves taking walks and playing with new friends.  Our cats haven't warmed up to her quite yet, but they will! :)  I can't wait to get her some little outfits like this one Blondie T-shirt but it's too damn hot outside right now! 98 degrees has never sounded worse!

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