Monday, July 18, 2011

lazy pants

Wow. I feel really lazy about my blogging lately.  I have been so busy at work and home that I've neglected this very important activity that seems vital to my mental health and sanity! I've started various posts, but I'm being a total procrastinator about finishing them.  Shame, shame! I promise to finish at least 2 of them by the end of the evening.

Life has been pretty uneventful since the last news I reported about our new puppy, Blondie.  I re-started the Couch to 5K (treadmill version) this week because I was very disappointed in my performance last week.  Also, I haven't been very consistent since work has picked up and we got Blondie.  I'm starting the week off with motivation and gusto!  I completed the first day of the program over again and then came back to my cube to eat a salad.  I've had 3 glasses of water today.  Overall, not too bad for a former couch potato.  The pounds just don't slide off like they used to!  I used to be able to skip lunch and lose 5 pounds.  Now, if I'm not dripping with sweat at least 3-4 times a week after my workout, I can barely shed a pound or two.  Getting old is a drag!  Then, I've got my stick figure of a fiance for motivation.  I can't remember the brand of weight loss pills had this clever commercial (otherwise, I would post it here!) but it showed the wife losing a pound for what seemed to be every 5 pounds her husband lost just by cutting out things like soda or white bread. Anyway, nobody asked to be made up the way they are, we were just born this way! So, I'm not laying blame or lashing out because I've only got what I have to work with!  All in all, it's not so bad! :) I know I'm a complainer sometimes (ok more often than not!) but the frustration lies with me, myself, and I.  We have no plans this week or for this weekend as of now, which is a relaxing thought!  Hopefully this heat wave hell will pass and we can make it up to Helen, GA soon for a day of tubing fun.  Hey, what can I say? We're cheap and on a budget.

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