Friday, July 8, 2011

Octoberish Nuptuals

I'm easing my way back into planning the wedding.  I keep stumbling upon unbelievable bridal blogs and honestly don't have a clue where I'm going to have the time to read up on everything I want to do and make!  First things first, I'm pretty sure we've chosen a venue. I found the Urban Oasis Bed & Breakfast online in my quest to seek out non-traditional wedding venues that could double as lodging for the few out-of-towners we expect to be hosting.  The whole place is just "us." It simply has that "je ne sais quoi."  Style. A lot of room. A great outdoor garden. Boundless space. Oh! and they even have a disco ball :)

OH! And, here's some news for ya! Guess where we are kicking around for the honeymoon destination?  I know you'll never guess, but it's Barcelona. Oh, what a dream! Just like Johnny Cash said...

We've got so much to do, so much to plan, so much to pay for!  Thank God we bumped it to next Fall as to avoid any pressure or rush! Keep next October wide open.

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