Friday, July 29, 2011

All hail to the goth parade...

Alright, I know that I wrote a post yesterday saying I was totally past the idea of being 'hip' and how it's become a term I mainly associate with adolescence and immaturity.  But, I'm a judger. You can't take that away from me! I judge people for fun.  Sometimes I laugh and point behind their backs. No seriously, it's usually done with love and kindness, except for now.
It's no wonder these four crazy losers found each other...

You're such a misanthrope.  I love you, but I've chosen darkness.

Did someone say Jennifer Betowt? Seriously, the ugliest effin' thing
I've seen since she dressed up as the Black Swan for 80's night. Send in the clowns!
I only married him cuz he looks like Criss Angel.
Yes, we ARE did you know?

By the power vested in me, I know pronounce you total fucktards!
Nothing screams 'the blessed sacrament of marriage' like Elvis and a fat chick wearing nylons on her arms. I bet she got extra street cred for those pale flabby hams she calls arms.
Ok not at all goth...but come on!
Everyone smile and say ADOLF!


  1. This is HILARIOUS! Well done baby! LMAO!

  2. so good! what a bunch of weirdo's!!!! well written! as always! love you...
