Friday, July 8, 2011

Mad Men

I admit, we're really late getting on the bandwagon when it comes to Mad Men.  But, I got Ian hooked (nevermind the fact he finds Joan irresistible!) and he finally understands the vision I have for our wedding.  The vision!!!!! Plus, I get to stare at John Hamm every single night for hours on end.  It's the hair.  It's definitely the hair.  And the tude.  The power, the tude, the style, the hair...did I mention I love my fiance Ian Lambert?

So this is what I envision our "Save the Dates" to resemble...luckily Ian is a graphic designer and can perfectly mimic these for next to nothing!

Back to the "vision" 
Just a number of things I *adore*

God...I just LOVE to HATE her...Betty Draper! 

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