Wednesday, July 27, 2011

14 months to go...I'm being proactive people!

Mmmkay, I guess it's about time I get serious people.  I am planning a wedding.  No matter how much I try to avoid the topic and hope for the best, the "responsible me" is beating up the "procrastinator me" upside the head and saying STOP IT!  Seriously, if anyone that has actually planned a tried and true wedding before wants to give me any input, you are more than welcome!  I'm going for an easy, breezy, fun cocktail party atmosphere. Nothing fru-fru, nothing formal or southern or too religious or too hipster or too UNtraditional.  I want the perfect balance of class, style, and fun.

According to various wedding timelines found on the interwebs, here's a list of things that should be addressed and settled at this juncture before the wedding.

12 Months to go

  • Announce engagement 
    • CHECK.  Everyone we know should know we're getting hitched!
  • Arrange for your families to meet, if they haven’t already
    • Hmmm....this might not be such a great idea.  
  • Set a budget and determine who will be paying for what
    • CHECK.  The fam has already told us what we can spend and it's up to us how we divvy up the money for our ceremony/reception/honeymoon.
  • Decide what type of wedding you want: style, size, location, time of day, etc. 
    • CHECK. We want a 1950's style, "mad men" type of wedding.  We'd like to get married at the Urban Oasis Bed & Breakfast sometime in the late afternoon with about 50-65 people attending. I want to wear a tea-length dress and Ian wants to wear a fitted, mod black suit with a skinny tie.
  • Draft preliminary guest lists: Bride’s, Groom’s, Bride’s family, Groom’s family
    • I guess we should get crackin' on this! :)
  • Register for engagement gifts
    • Oohh this sounds like fun.  But wait, don't we need an engagement party? Err I don't know who would throw us one considering we don't even know if we're having a wedding party at this time.
  • Gather ideas for your ceremony and reception
    • I like the idea of white flowers in vintage jars.  I'm not good with place settings.  Do you need place settings when you have a cocktail style reception? Do you need tables? I guess.  I need some help.
  • Order thank-you notes for engagement gifts
    • I guess it's time to get Ian to design some cards for us.
  • Subscribe to wedding magazines
    • Nope, I'm good.  I don't need to pay for a bunch of wedding advertisements for things I don't want or need at my ceremony or reception.  Especially Easter colored bridesmaids dresses and wedding gowns that look like cupcakes.
  • Choose a wedding date
    • CHECK.  October 13th, 2012
  • Start a wedding file
    • CHECK.  Started a wedding notebook.  How so very Martha Stewart of me!
  • Put an announcement of your recent engagement in the local paper
    • Nahhh.  We're not members of the country club or the junior league or anything like that.  I mean the governor won't be expected.  Just some friends, family, and perhaps a couple of drag queens.
  • Hire a wedding consultant
    • Nope.  Although I'd love to have someone do everything for me, it's just not in the budget.
  • Start shopping for the wedding gown
    • CHECK.  It gorgeous and being handmade for me by a dressmaker on Etsy.  Even though I won't get the pleasure of going into a store and trying it on, I'm so excited to order it ASAP.

We've even got a few more things in the works that aren't even on the list.  Kristi Griffin, our dear friend and neighbor has agreed to take our engagement photos.  We are hoping that our friend Andy Forbes will agree to take our wedding photos.  I am hoping my friend and co-worker, Julie Buckler, will be able to arrange the flowers.  Hopefully, that is, unless she is planning her own wedding by that time!

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