Friday, July 29, 2011

I love that man of mine...

I love the way Ian loves me. He has such a sweet and caring way about him, this gentleness that arises once you skim off the rough edges.  He's not who I thought he would be, but so much more. I've never met a man who can love me so good as he can.  Sometimes, our syrupy, honeymoon phase-like overtures make our friends want to gag. What else can I say other than I am happier now than I have ever been with anyone else in my life.  He's my best friend and he reminds me how much I mean to him so many times a day, it's hard to keep count.

Just a moment ago, he sent me a link to a song with lyrics he wanted me to read. I'm usually on the phone most of the day at work, so it's hard for me to listen to music or watch videos while I'm online. I'll watch this later, but these words will stay with me forever...

Atlanta Rhythm Section - So Into You 

When you walked into the room
There was voodoo in the vibes
I was captured by your style
But I could not get your eyes
Now I stand here helplessly
Hoping you'll get into me

I am so into you
I can't think of nothing else
I am so into you
I can't think of nothing else
Thinkin' how it's gonna be
Whenever I get you next to me
It's gonna be good
Don't you know
From your head to toe
Gonna love you all over
Over and over
Me into you, you into me
Me into you

I'm so into you
I'm so into you...

When you walked into the room
There was voodoo in the vibes
I was captured by your style
But I could not get your eyes
Now I stand here helplessly
Hopin' you'll get into me

I am so into you
I can't get to nothing else
I am so into you, baby
I can't get to nothing else, no, no, no
Come on baby
I'm so into you
Love the things you do
Listen, baby
You're driving me crazy
Come on baby
I'm so into you
Love the things you do

All hail to the goth parade...

Alright, I know that I wrote a post yesterday saying I was totally past the idea of being 'hip' and how it's become a term I mainly associate with adolescence and immaturity.  But, I'm a judger. You can't take that away from me! I judge people for fun.  Sometimes I laugh and point behind their backs. No seriously, it's usually done with love and kindness, except for now.
It's no wonder these four crazy losers found each other...

You're such a misanthrope.  I love you, but I've chosen darkness.

Did someone say Jennifer Betowt? Seriously, the ugliest effin' thing
I've seen since she dressed up as the Black Swan for 80's night. Send in the clowns!
I only married him cuz he looks like Criss Angel.
Yes, we ARE did you know?

By the power vested in me, I know pronounce you total fucktards!
Nothing screams 'the blessed sacrament of marriage' like Elvis and a fat chick wearing nylons on her arms. I bet she got extra street cred for those pale flabby hams she calls arms.
Ok not at all goth...but come on!
Everyone smile and say ADOLF!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

the honeymoon isn't over yet

How do  you go about picking your honeymoon destination?  I'm curious!  Along with wedding planning comes the immense plethora of choices, which ultimately lead to "where will you go on your honeymoon?" Ever since I've become engaged, I developed a new personality trait I'm not too fond of admitting to...indecisiveness!!!

As if you didn't have a thousand other decisions to make, now the world is your oyster and you can go anywhere your heart desires (and falls within a reasonable budget)!

My parents are cool.  They essentially gave me a very reasonable, round number as a budget which should total everything for my wedding (including the honeymoon).  How we choose to spend the money is completely our decision!

Do we want to relax? Will we want to sightsee?  Do we want somewhere urban or remote? Do we want to sit on a beach all day? Do we want a short flight? I think the only way to get to the root of the true answer is, is the destination more important? Or, is time away from everything we have in 'real life' more important? I know what you're thinking! Seriously, what the eff is wrong with this girl?  Her biggest problem right now is what part of the world she wants to spend 7-10 days away from work, stress, and reality?  But hey! It's my honeymoon, and I'll pout if I want to!  Life seemed so much easier when my vacation destinations were decided upon my last employer and were actually "rewards" for a job well done.  Thanks, Cengage!

So what will it be?
Comfort. The perfect vacation makes me feel taken care of?
Relaxation. It's not a vacation without it?
Fun. I can always sleep when I get home?
Fascination. I have to be mentally engaged by the places I go?
Adventure. There's no point unless you can explore?

I don't know. There's too many choices and options to consider. Here's a number of destinations I'd love to see...

Tahiti - the Islands of Love. Where you’ll renew your soul and revitalize your romance, where you’ll honeymoon in exquisite over-water bungalows and sip cocktails as the vanilla scented air lingers. You’ll fall in love with Tahiti’s beauty. You will discover that Tahiti offers many exceptional and unique activities to partake in - shark and ray feeding in the lagoon, ATV biking around remote villages, arts and crafts lessons, horse riding on the beach and hikes to dramatic waterfalls. It’s all here in Tahiti. 

How about a lake side vacation at Lake Louise, Alberta, CA?  In my opinion, lakes are idyllic.  You can do so much in regards to adventure (ahem, fishing) and water sports, but without the hazy, humid climate that goes along with tropical locales and beach weather.  Also, there is generally pretty spectacular scenery surrounding a lake.  I wouldn't mind checking this place out.  It looks breathtaking! But is it honeymoon worthy? I just don't know...

Ok, so I've never heard of this location, but I stumbled upon it when googling "St. Tropez."  Yeah, you can stop laughing now, mom.  I know that's out of our price range.  But you know me, champagne taste on a beer budget!  Fernando de Noronha, according to wikipedia  is an archipelago of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean, 220 miles offshore from the Brazilian coast. The main island has an area of 7.1 sq mi and had a population of 3,012 in the year 2010. The area is a special municipality (distrito estadual) of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco (despite being closer to the state of Rio Grande do Norte) and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The local population and travellers can get to Noronha by plane or cruise from Recife or by plane from Natal. A small environmental preservation fee is charged from tourists upon arrival by Ibama (Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources).

But what about Spain, you say?  I know you remember my mentions of Barcelona from previous entries.  Yes, Barcelona is still on the list of possibilities.  How can we resist such a romantic backdrop that is home to some of the most influential artits of our time such as Goudi and Dali.  What's even more cool is that it's my motherland :)  Both of my family trees have roots firmly planted in Spain.  I would love the opportunity to do and see it all.  Perhaps even the Tomatina Festival that happens in Valencia every year.
Ahh then there is the triteness of Paris which is so overdone and the notion that French people (in Paris particularly) can be total wankers. Although Ian himself has French roots, he really has no desire to visit.  Perhaps we'll side trip to Nice if we venture to Barcelona.  Then, there is Mykonos or Santorini which would be idyllic and probably most affordable of the exotic locales on our radar.  However, the recent economic turmoil and civil unrest is quite a deterrant for the romantic little escapade I had envisioned for my honeymoon.

if wishes were nickels, i'd be a millionaire...

Vesuvio Cafe, San Francisco
So...we ate at The Bookhouse Pub last night.  I'm so elated to have been able to drag Ian there since he's not a big fan of the place.  I'm not exactly sure why, but he blames it on the crowd that goes there.  Being an ex-elitist snob of a hipster myself, I don't exactly get any particular vibe from the cats that gather at that watering hole.  There seemed to be a mix of youngish people, both of the employed and unemployed variety.  There were the obvious "Urban Outfitter" clad kids with their striped shirts and uber-now boat shoes huddled by the bar waiting on what I can only imagine was the Schlitz beer that had apparently run out on tap. There was an interesting group of lesbians who appeared to be tourists or perhaps  they had just realized they stumbled into the wrong bar but decided to stay because they were hungry.  Whatever, I don't so much mind crowds and their agendas anymore if I am keeping good company and the lager is flowing.  However, that statement becomes null and void anytime Nascar, WWE, or right-wing Republicans come into the mix. Our waitress had the correct amount of facial piercings and the proper haircut to be working at this type of establishment.  She managed to gain a little extra bitch cred when a slovenly outfitted guy with bedhead came in to speak with her and she firmly ignored the poor sunovabitch.  We had the tastiest burger since we experienced Farm Burger.  Which, goes beyond words of goodness and is ranked high in our hall of fame in the meat department.  The kids who own MJQ also own the pub, and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with Ian's resistance in going there, but thank God for ScoutMob.   We are both huge fans of Jack Kerouac and the beat poets.  I told him one of the main reasons I love the Bookhouse is that for some reason it reminds me of the Vesuvio Cafe in San Francisco.  I'd have loved to be a beatnik in those days.  Fuck hippies and Woodstock and the sexual revolution.  I'd much rather have smoked French cigarettes in a tiny speakeasy while hearing art fags recite poetry and pick me up to take me home to listen to jazz music from classic Italian cinema.  I would rather have been a bohemian with a lust for the art of stringing sentences together in a clever and syncopated fashion than getting naked in a big field listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival or Jimi Hendrix.  But hey, that's just me.  I'm just a 20th century girl, made in the 80's, trying to live out her adulthood in the travesty of a generation where identity is something you wear like a t-shirt.

Thank God the pressure is off.  I'm 31.  I'm gainfully employed and working on starting a family.  I've had my successes and although I once shopped at the thrift store for too cool for school threads, I'm much happier shopping at Banana Republic these days.  It's all good. I've still got it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

more inspiration from

there's something so debonair about a bow tie

great suit. luv it. would fit Ian so nicely....
the anti-dress. the epitome of what I'm avoiding....

possible dia de los muertos cake topper?

A little Etsy Wedding Inspiration...

oh yeah...and for Ian...(the black one on the right)

14 months to go...I'm being proactive people!

Mmmkay, I guess it's about time I get serious people.  I am planning a wedding.  No matter how much I try to avoid the topic and hope for the best, the "responsible me" is beating up the "procrastinator me" upside the head and saying STOP IT!  Seriously, if anyone that has actually planned a tried and true wedding before wants to give me any input, you are more than welcome!  I'm going for an easy, breezy, fun cocktail party atmosphere. Nothing fru-fru, nothing formal or southern or too religious or too hipster or too UNtraditional.  I want the perfect balance of class, style, and fun.

According to various wedding timelines found on the interwebs, here's a list of things that should be addressed and settled at this juncture before the wedding.

12 Months to go

  • Announce engagement 
    • CHECK.  Everyone we know should know we're getting hitched!
  • Arrange for your families to meet, if they haven’t already
    • Hmmm....this might not be such a great idea.  
  • Set a budget and determine who will be paying for what
    • CHECK.  The fam has already told us what we can spend and it's up to us how we divvy up the money for our ceremony/reception/honeymoon.
  • Decide what type of wedding you want: style, size, location, time of day, etc. 
    • CHECK. We want a 1950's style, "mad men" type of wedding.  We'd like to get married at the Urban Oasis Bed & Breakfast sometime in the late afternoon with about 50-65 people attending. I want to wear a tea-length dress and Ian wants to wear a fitted, mod black suit with a skinny tie.
  • Draft preliminary guest lists: Bride’s, Groom’s, Bride’s family, Groom’s family
    • I guess we should get crackin' on this! :)
  • Register for engagement gifts
    • Oohh this sounds like fun.  But wait, don't we need an engagement party? Err I don't know who would throw us one considering we don't even know if we're having a wedding party at this time.
  • Gather ideas for your ceremony and reception
    • I like the idea of white flowers in vintage jars.  I'm not good with place settings.  Do you need place settings when you have a cocktail style reception? Do you need tables? I guess.  I need some help.
  • Order thank-you notes for engagement gifts
    • I guess it's time to get Ian to design some cards for us.
  • Subscribe to wedding magazines
    • Nope, I'm good.  I don't need to pay for a bunch of wedding advertisements for things I don't want or need at my ceremony or reception.  Especially Easter colored bridesmaids dresses and wedding gowns that look like cupcakes.
  • Choose a wedding date
    • CHECK.  October 13th, 2012
  • Start a wedding file
    • CHECK.  Started a wedding notebook.  How so very Martha Stewart of me!
  • Put an announcement of your recent engagement in the local paper
    • Nahhh.  We're not members of the country club or the junior league or anything like that.  I mean the governor won't be expected.  Just some friends, family, and perhaps a couple of drag queens.
  • Hire a wedding consultant
    • Nope.  Although I'd love to have someone do everything for me, it's just not in the budget.
  • Start shopping for the wedding gown
    • CHECK.  It gorgeous and being handmade for me by a dressmaker on Etsy.  Even though I won't get the pleasure of going into a store and trying it on, I'm so excited to order it ASAP.

We've even got a few more things in the works that aren't even on the list.  Kristi Griffin, our dear friend and neighbor has agreed to take our engagement photos.  We are hoping that our friend Andy Forbes will agree to take our wedding photos.  I am hoping my friend and co-worker, Julie Buckler, will be able to arrange the flowers.  Hopefully, that is, unless she is planning her own wedding by that time!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My List of Favorite Words

Just a few of my favorite words...


Post ideas...

So my good friend Erika and I agreed to keep encouraging each other to write and keep writing.  The purpose behind our writing should be completely selfish.  We do not write with the intention of entertaining anyone or drawing anyone closer into our world.  We merely need and demand a clear mode of expression, and we choose the written word.  Sometimes it's hard to come up with things to talk about, especially when your days run together and are about as exciting as sliced bread.  Let's face it, I'm not as exciting as I once used to be when I was much younger.  Sometimes I find it hard to dig up inspiration from my trip to the grocery store or my lunch break workout.  Therefore, I'm posting a few links I have found that give some great jumping off points.  I hope that anyone looking for a way to express themselves find some help in these suggestions.  Please feel free to deviate, the creative options are boundless.

I came upon this list when I googled "blog post topics" in hopes of finding some generic inspiration.   It compiles a great list of places to start off from....

  1. The Story of My Most Serious Injury
  2. The Person I Admire Most
  3. This Will Be My Epitaph
  4. Why I Love My Hometown
  5. Why I Hate My Hometown
  6. Why I Was a Childhood Bully
  7. How I Shop
  8. How I Choose to Spend My Money
  9. I Wish I Spent Less Money on This
  10. Why I’m in My Current Job
  11. My Ideal Job
  12. My High School Clique
  13. My Worst Subject in School
  14. If I Had a Super Power
  15. Here’s Where My Opinion Differs From the Majority
  16. Why I Voted the Way I Did in the Last Election
  17. Why I Don’t Vote
  18. The Cause I Really Believe In
  19. Why I Came To Religion
  20. Why I Don’t Believe Anymore
  21. Where I Find Spirituality
  22. My First Kiss
  23. My Worst Kiss
  24. The First Time I Had My Heart Broken
  25. Why I Travel
  26. Why I Don’t Travel
  27. My Philosophy on Raising Children
  28. Why I Chose My University Degree
  29. My Favourite Place on the Planet
  30. My Greatest Sin Against the Environment
  31. Why I Married My Spouse
  32. My Most Hated Movie
  33. The Book That Changed My Life
  34. My Unexpected Mentor
  35. I Couldn’t Live Without This Song
  36. If I Hear This Song Again, Radio Personalities Will Suffer
  37. I Have the Craziest Uncle Ever
  38. Why I Believe in Luck
  39. Why I Don’t Believe in Luck
  40. How I Earned My Worst Karma
  41. Where I Volunteer
  42. Why I Don’t Volunteer
  43. My Favourite Item of Clothing Growing Up
  44. If This Celebrity Knocked On My Door, I’d Run Away With Them
  45. Why I Care About Celebrities
  46. Why I Love This Sport
  47. Why I Hate Sports
  48. When I’m at My Most Self-Indulgent
  49. How To Be Selfless
  50. My Childhood Dreams, and How I’ve Fulfilled Them
  51. How I Learned Patience
  52. How My Hard Work Paid Off
  53. I’ve Never Been More Surprised in My Life
  54. What Scares the Shit Out of Me
  55. The Only Thing I Can Teach You

Here is another link that proposes some topics I would never really dream of discussing or considering.  Mostly, I think because they seem to be from a very male point of view.  However, sometimes a topic suggestion is the perfect thing that a blocked writer needs to explore that place they have not yet been.  

  1. When's the last time you cried and why did you?
  2. How long has it been since you laughed and what does laughter mean to you?
  3. Whose your favorite figure skater of all time and why?
  4. (Related to that) Dick Button vs. Scott Hamilton, whose better?
  5. When was the first time you realized that your vote didn't make a difference and have you voted since then?
  6. What TV show do you remember most from your childhood and why?
  7. What character from any one of the Love Boat, Laverne & Shirley or Happy Days do you feel most closely matches who you are?
  8. If you could choose anyone in the world to be our president who would it be?
  9. Describe the last sunrise or sunset you watched and if you can't remember describe how that might feel.
  10. What's your favorite website and why?
  11. If you could ask George Bush 5 questions, what would they be?
  12. What does "best friend" mean to you and do you have one currently and who was your best friend from childhood?
  13. If you could change the date of Christmas, when would you change it to?  (forget the birth of Jesus thing, everyone else does)
  14. What was your favorite book as a child and do you have a copy of it?
  15. Jesus or Gandhi, who would you rather meet?
  16. If you could take one picture out of all that you have to capture your essence, which would it be?
  17. Talk about another language that you know or if you don't know one talk about how that feels and what you would want to learn.
  18. Write about all 3 meals (or more) that you had today and whether there's any pattern to them.
  19. What does love mean to you?
  20. Is hate the opposite of love?
  21. Who is your favorite Simpsons character and why?
  22. David Letterman or Jay Leno whose better?
  23. What do you think of bloggers?  (even me if you want!)
  24. What is your most memorable New Year's Eve?
  25. What is your religion and do you still practice it?
  26. Is there a God?  (sorry, I'm on a vibe here....)
  27. What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
  28. What one thing did you see or hear today that caught your attention?
  29. Who is the best stand up comic of all time?
  30. If you could ask Saddam Hussein any 5 questions what would they be?
  31. Do you remember your dreams?
  32. If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  33. What's the thing you fear most in life?
  34. If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
  35. Write about the last time you saw a group of children and how it made you feel.
  36. Dog or cat person?
  37. Best actor/actress.  Worst actor/actress.
  38. What city is most interesting to you that you haven't visited?
  39. If you are single, write about your last date (no matter how long ago or weird it was!)
  40. If you are married, write about your first date!
  41. If you are gay, write about ANYTHING....there's not enough out there to tell the story of how discriminatory we are against gays!
  42. Whose your favorite sports teams?
  43. What tv shows have you watched in the past and regretted?  (90210...Melrose Place....)
  44. Do you own a TV and if you do and you meet someone who doesn't, how arrogant are they?
  45. What album did you listen to most as a youngster and do you still have it?
  46. When's the last time you told someone special that you loved them?  (make a list)
  47. Link to a story about anything that's important to you and share it and comment on it.
  48. Go public with a "fetish" like the History Channel or Behind the Music.
  49. Write about what reality shows you watch and what you think of them.
  50. Which reality show "star" would you like to meet most?
  51. Write about the first time your heart was broken.
  52. Write about the last time your heart was broken.
  53. Describe your first day of school that you remember and connect it to your child's first day if you have one.
  54. Write about anything, and i mean ANYTHING your child does.
  55. Why is I capitalized in English?
  56. What are your favorite words and why?
  57. Write about losing your parents.
  58. Write about how much you love your parents.
  59. Write about how you think your child saw an event that you both watched together.
  60. Why are people obsessed with the weather?  And if you watch the Weather Channel, why?
  61. If you could choose any historical figure as a weather person, who would it be?
  62. If you could transport yourself back to any one moment in time of history when would it be?
  63. What's your favorite restaurant and why?
  64. Write a review of a book.
  65. What's the most embarrassing moment you've ever witnessed, live?
  66. Do you believe in reincarnation?
  67. What do you feel most guilty about?
  68. Is pride beneficial?
  69. If you could ask God to explain why any one musical group became popular that made no sense and God answered, what group would you ask about?
  70. Do you think God is male?
  71. If you eat sushi and love it, why?
  72. What do you remember about 9/11?
  73. If you could change anything right now, what would it be?
  74. If you are a woman, what one thing do you wish men would get?
  75. If you are a man, when's the last time you've thought that you were sensitive?
  76. Willie Wonka:  Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp?
  77. What's the greatest sporting event you ever saw live?
  78. Bill Gates:  Good or Bad?
  79. What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  80. What does passion mean to you?
  81. Name your 10 favorite outfits of all time.
  82. If you're a man, have you ever gotten a manicure/pedicure?
  83. Keep a log of your wedding planning experience (it would be really interesting if a guy and a gal did this separately.)
  84. Do you think that the US is the greatest country in the world and why?  Answer the same question from the point of view of a person from France.
  85. Who will be the first woman president?
  86. Do you think this country is racist?
  87. NASCAR:  Do you love it and if so why?
  88. What 5 things would you take to a show and tell to a kindergarten class?
  89. Is parenting hard and if it is, was it hard today?
  90. Richard Pryor or Jerry Seinfeld:  who was/is better?
  91. Do you play fantasy sports and if you did and don't anymore, does it change your interest level in sports?
  92. What gift have you received in life that is most precious?
  93. How do you deal with hurt?
  94. What is your favorite flower and when was the last time anyone gave you a bouquet including them?
  95. If you are a man, how do you think it would be to deal with menstruation?  (sorry, getting a little tired....)
  96. Name your 5 favorite olympic moments.
  97. Do you sing/dance in the house when you're alone?
  98. Kenneth Cole or Ralph Lauren:  whose better?
  99. Brad Pitt:  as a guy, can you admit that he's hot?
  100. Write about a really silly post that this one dude did about 100 blog post topics.
Happy Writing!

Monday, July 25, 2011


So I'm having weird pelvic pain not unlike when I found out I was pregnant. No luck today, just pain in vain.  It's not for lack of effort! Le sigh.

How I lean...

Long ago I used political compass to identify where I was on the spectrum.  Although a bit outdated, this site does a fair job in identifying your opinions and ideals.

Conservative/Progressive score: 10
You are a social progressive. You generally consider yourself a humanist first. You probably think that religion and patriotism go too far in society. You probably consider yourself to be a citizen of Earth first rather than a citizen of your country.

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 10
You're a Social Capitalist, you think that, left to its own, Capitalism leaves a lot of people behind. You think that Health Care should be free to all, that the minimum wage should be raised, and that the government should provide jobs to all that are capable of having them. You likely hated the Bush tax cuts, and believe that themiddle class has gotten poorer, and the rich have gotten richer over the past several years. The far extreme of social capitalism is socialism.

Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 4
You're a Moderate. You think that we all have certain inalienable rights that must be protected, but that sometimes laws need to be made to protect the majority's lives or quality of lives. You might think that the 2nd amendment isn't necessary anymore because letting everyone a gun is extremely dangerous to the community. You might also be against illegal drug use or public pornography because of its possible harmful effects to society.

Pacifist/Militarist score: 6
You're a Moderate. You think that in very rare occasions, the United States should invade a country in order to make the world better by spreading democracy or ending a tyrants rule. You also think that defense is very important, and we shouldn't lower the defense budget. You think that, while the Iraq War probably was a mistake, that we can make the world a better place by sticking with it and spreading democracy in the middle east.

Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Hardcore Democrat

You might not know this about me, but...

Things you might not know about me (or care to, but hey if you're reading this blog you have at least some interest)...

  1. I've always wanted to go fishing. I never really had a "dad" when I was a young child.  The man who I consider my father, BC, didn't come into my life until I was about 12.  And, by the time he got used to having a stepdaughter, I was a teenager and I don't think he was too concerned with engaging in bonding experiences.  I think his primary goal was to set a good example and get along with my bratty teenage ass at the time.  I know most of us don't have the ideal father figure but I guess I have this idea of what a "good" dad would have done with me as a child.  Fishing definitely ranks high on that list.  As an adult, I feel like I missed out on one of the best past-times ever.  I'd be in total bliss by going to the lake for a day, renting a boat, sunning myself while I cast a long line.  I could use a lesson in patience. Also, I think that commercial, really got to me.
  2. I dearly miss playing the violin and secretly wish I was playing with a community orchestra right now.  I won't lie to you, I was good.  I was an exceptionally talented violinist.  I was the concertmistress (first chair) from 6th grade until my high school graduation.  I was in county honor orchestra's every year.  I made All-State competitions and was playing with the Georgia State University Symphony by the time I was 16.  Though I never loved it enough to have orchestra take over my life or make a career of it, there's nothing that compares to the feeling I get when playing a piece of music with passion and vigor. My soul just sings.  My friend SH recently bought a violin and I cannot wait to go over there and show him how it's done.  I still own my own violin.  It's beautiful and expensive and never gets played.  I want so badly to pick it back up.  Maybe he's all the motivation I needed?
  3. When I get pregnant, I am actually hoping for twins. Yep, you read that correctly.  It's hard for me to get pregnant see...and the idea of actually going through the entire emotional and physical ordeal of trying to get pregnant, conceiving, and birthing more than one child seems exhausting.  I like the idea of getting it all done at once :)  I know this probably sounds inconceivably selfish, but it's honestly the best thing that could happen to me.  I would like to have more than one child.  God willing, I will be physically able to get pregnant and have two children.  However, if God wants to help me knock it out in one fail-proof swoop, I'm all for it.
  4. I'm not so sure that Georgia is the place I want to raise a family in and live out my life. I'm kind of in love with the PNW (Pacific Northwest).  I'd be willing to relocate if my family would follow. I don't think I could live in a different time zone and thousands of miles away.
  5. I really wish life could have been better, easier for my mom. I won't get into this one because I respect my mother's privacy.  She's the hardest working woman I'll ever know and I respect her immensely for every single obstacle she has endured. She's not just my mom, but my best friend.
  6. I regret trusting my ex friend, M from college, whole-heartedly to the point where I never ever expected to be hurt in the way that she hurt me. I don't consider myself someone who is easily blindsided.  However, she certainly excelled in doing just that! Unfortunately, she taught me a lesson in trust and how you really can't trust anyone completely except for your real family. Blood is thicker than water and well, certainly thicker than whiskey or vodka.  That's all I'll say about that.
  7. I miss my textbook publishing days. I have these fond memories I reminisce about with coworkers and old friends.  I had the chance to travel and have so much fun on the company dime.  Unfortunately the industry has changed drastically and I was defeated by an evil and jealous woman.  Two things I'll never do again --- get involved with someone I work with and work for a woman.
  8. I really love to crochet and wish I could become a really great knitter like my friends MC and LC. There's no excuse for this really, except for maybe adult onset ADD and lack of patience.
  9. Right now at this point of my life, I want nothing more than to be a mom. It's very important for me to be a wife, but more importantly to be a mom.  I need this in a way I never imagined I would and I fear the longing and yearning for motherhood will never subside.
  10. I am terrified of becoming a diabetic.I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which affects the way my body resists insulin. I was recently put on 2000mg of Metformin a day.  My mother became a Type 2 diabetic a few years back and that is higher than her normal dosage.  It scares me so.
  11. I really want to run my first 5k this year, the AIDS walk/run in October.
  12. I live my life hoping for the best, but always expecting the worst. My glass is half full, meaning it's equally half empty.  I'm a cynical optimist. Deal with it. :)
  13. I try to live my life without regrets, but there are just a owning and loving that Limp Bizkit album in high school or having bangs, ever.
  14. Partying just isn't what it used to be anymore. Just the sight of the bonafied hipsters and pretentious tools I once worried about fitting in with and impressing simply evoke an overwhelming feeling of pity and complete apathy. My weekends no longer revolve around drinking and being around the right people at the right places.  I'm with the people I love and who love me.  That's all I'll never need from here on out.
  15. I'm inching closer to libertarianism the older I get and the more money I have in my pocket. Just don't tell my friends Rob and Stephen about this, they'll just say "I told you so."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Great weekend...

Our little trip to Helen was awesome. We managed to have the best time ever. It's amazing really. I've managed to find a man whose side I have not left in 10 months and can't seem to grow tired of him. He's my best friend and I'd consider him family even if wasn't already going to be my husband. I always knew I would find the right man, and probably later in life. God didn't disappoint. Ian was worth the wait. I love him and hope we continue to grow and build on what has been the hardest, but most wonderful past 10 months of my life.  I cannot wait until my commissions get back to where they once were and we can travel more. I want to see the world with him by my side, holding my hand every step of the way.

We went tubing and ate great food and did karaoke and had the best time. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I love this man.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What I learned about life from watching Teen Mom...

Well, you gotta love those fun-loving promiscuous girls Maci, Farrah, Amber, Catelynn and Jenelle.  Little did you know, but they are chock-full of valuable life lessons.  The wisdom I have gained from watching this terribly addictive show is priceless.  I was really rooting for some of these gals when I first started watching the show.  Now, can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer out of the trash.  Listen up kids! and don't become a teenage reality TV cliche!

What I learned about life from watching Teen Mom...

Don't hit your kid 

When you come upon a little extra money, it's ok to get a boob job

Don't have sex with a douchebag. You could wind up pregnant.

Don't get a nose ring. It's trashy.

Losing the baby weight is a bitch!

You shouldn't smoke when pumping gas, dumbass!

It's really important to finish high school.

Babies can't drive.

It's entirely possible to find your soul mate in high school. Then again, maybe not.

Pictures of your kid don't make good tattoos.

Beware of having sex with unattractive people. Your kid might wind up just as ugly.

It's not a good idea to move anywhere for a guy. Especially when you're Maci Bookout.

Don't verbally abuse your kids. Ever. Especially not on MTV.

If someone offers you $500,000 to do porn or take nude photos. Don't do it. They will wind up on the internet.

Don't break out the 'ugly cry' on tv. Save it for the bathroom stall at the county jail.