Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Away we go...

After facebooking about honeymoons and gathering input from some married gals...I'm nowhere closer to deciding what I want to do on the honeymoon.  Ian's pretty much left the decision in my hands and has really been no help in the "narrowing down" but at least we agree upon where we don't want to go.

An option that I had not considered, which apparently seems to be the BEST option amongst my gal pals on Facebook is the all-inclusive route.  Why didn't I think of this before? Of course, I'm terrified that the quality of the resorts suffer due to the all-inclusiveness.  Here's some of the resorts that made the list...if you can personally recommend one, I'm all ears!

What to do? Where to go?

1 comment:

  1. all gorgeous places how hard to choose! I guess from all these beautiful places we will have to choose one or two and check the prices to see how they compare...
